Monday, May 7, 2007

Why a Blog?

I've spent a lot of time reading other d-related blogs, and have found it very helpful...both from a logistics point of view, and emotionally as well. One blogger posts at length about the toll the disease takes on her as the spouse of someone with diabetes. It has made me think about my own husband, and how great he has responded to all of this.

Being only 43, I have decades of diabetes treatment and complications in my future. That means decades of obsessing and whining! And I don't want to wear out my marriage. My parents, in-laws, friends and colleagues at work also hear all the gory details all of the time. I mean...ALL ....OF....THE...TIME. So far everyone has been very supportive, seeming very interested in hearing the latest. But I know over time that it gets old hearing all about it over and over.

Blogging gives me one more outlet to share what's going on. By "spreading the joy" to others through my blog, I can dial down my need to vent with everyone else in person.

I have no idea if anyone will actually read any of this or not. I'm not even sure who in my circle of family and friends that I will point to this blog. But the effort of recording my thoughts is already helpful.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Well, I'm reading! Thanks for your submission. I will get it up ASAP. You can check out my blog, Lemonade Life, at Cheers!