Friday, May 18, 2007

Absent from Life

I am getting ready to send this blog link to a number of friends. It will be the first time I've really had any contact with many of them in a very long time. Everyone has their own life issues, events and activities going on, and I've not really checked in to lend an ear, be a friend. So I'm feeling a little guilty throwing all this at them. But, as good friends do, they will be supportive and forgiving of my absence from our friendships.

I have just been completely consumed with the 'betes for months now. I started a drug trial just days after having gall bladder surgery. Between recovering from that surgery, dealing with the effects of the new drugs, and then being re-diagnosed and then starting on an insulin regimen, my life has just been totally upside down. I've missed weeks and weeks of work since the first of January (and was out for 5 weeks prior to that with the whole gall bladder thing). I have unable to really do much of anything on the home front - as a wife, as a parent, as a homeowner. I've spent scads and scads of money on drugs, books, dr. office visits, software and gadgets (OK, so I love shopping for gadgets...but I still feel guilty). I've been blogging like crazy.

On top of all that, anyone around me has been inundated (whether they like it or not) with my constant updates on my medical status. I'm sick of it!

So, with that finally all written/said/typed, I now declare at least a brief moratorium on all this. I'm going to concentrate on giving back to my family and my friends. Looking forward to reconnecting to you all!

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