Friday, June 8, 2007

Gotta Wait 5 Months to Pump

Well, a little research and I answered some of my own questions. According to my health plan, I must be on insulin for at least 6 months to be considered for a pump. I've got 6 weeks under my belt, so about 5 more months to go. There are other requirements, which I don't think I'll have any problem meeting.

The only requirement that could get dicey is having an A1C of than 7.0. I'm currently at 7.8. I guess I could possibly get down to 7.0 but I doubt it, since I don't yet to seem to have a very good insulin regimen. An A1C of 7.0 or lower could still be considered if there are enough documented hypos to account for the lower number. It all boils down to lacking tight control to a high enough degree to qualify. Crazy.

There is an option whereby the patient has been on insulin "less than 6 months but more than 3 months and the patient has documented extenuating circumstances. These cases may be reviewed on an individual consideration basis." But I'm guessing there ain't nothing special about me or my life or my health right now that be construed as an extenuating circumstance.

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