Friday, July 6, 2007

Metformin Helps Dawn Phenomenon

I stopped taking metformin several weeks ago as an experiment. Was it causing my lower GI problems? Yes!

However, I'm certain now that it has a significant positive impact and have titrated back up to 1,000 MG per day.

I clearly have Dawn Phenomenon. During the time time I was off the metformin here are the salient numbers:
  • Bedtime average = 150
  • 3:00 a.m. average = 173
  • Waking a.m. average = 180
Here are the numbers now that I'm back up to a relevant dose of metformin:
  • Bedtime average = 146
  • 3:00 a.m. average = 166
  • Waking a.m. average = 103
One interesting postscript to this experiment is that I also appear to have delayed Dawn Phenomenon, meaning that my BG goes up and up and up after waking until about 11:00 a.m., at which time I crash and go low, low, low. Starting today, I'm adjusting my carb ratio for breakfast and my morning basal dose in order to compensate.

1 comment:

AmyT said...

I so hear you on the yo-yo thing.

Best of luck,