Thursday, July 5, 2007

Addicted to Tu Diabetes

It's official. I am addicted to a social networking site!

Don't get me wrong...I love reading everyone's d-blogs (I subscribe to over 150 in my Google Reader).

But this site is just great. I feel like I'm connected to others through the forums, and have a place to ask all the questions my CDE doesn't have time for (or that I feel too silly to ask otherwise).

I joined Facebook a couple of years my capacity as a geek at a university whose job it is to understand this phenomenon and explain it to others. But being 43 years old, I have never really used it for my own networking. I just lurked.

But Tu Diabetes is fabulous.


manny hernandez said...

Thanks for your kind words! Reading things like these make every minute invested on the development of the site and the community worth it! :)

P.S. Would it be an abuse to ask for the honor to be on your blogroll?

Manny Hernandez
Founder -

Khürt Williams said...

Came accross your site on the O.C. I am also a LADA/Type 1.5 and Mac addicted. My blog is I am also on TuDiabetes ( search for khurtwilliams )