Friday, June 8, 2007

Frio Math

How many Frio bags does it take to store enough insulin for 9 days of vacation?

Let's see. For my carb boluses, I use about 4-6 units per meal, 3 times a day. That's like 25 units a day, right? No, wait. That's only like 18 units a day max. So let's round it up to 20 because I can only do math that ends in zeros. Or is that zeroes?

Then there's the correction bolus. Hmmm. Still don't know my correction factor. I haven't been able to lease enough time on NASA's Cray Computers to make that computation yet. So let's say 2 units a day. So that's 22 units a day so far. Wait. That doesn't end in zero. Let's take it back down to 20 since I had rounded up from 18 to begin with. OK - 20 units of Novolog per day.

Basal...well, about 12-14 in the evening and about 12 in the mornings. That's 24-26...average of 25? It's not a zero, but it will do. So 25 units of Levemir per day.

So now each pen holds 300 units. No, wait again. That says 100. So I can only get about 4-5 days out of each pen. That means I'll need two pens of each, plus an additional pen for backup, so that's six pens. Is that right? Let's see...there's four quarts in a gallon...ok, that sounds right.

WAIT! I look again! It says 100 units per mg, and 3 mg per it IS 300 units. OK. Is that true for both Novolog and Levemir? Yes. Good.

So 20 a day ...5 days to use up 100 units. So 10 days for 300 units. OK, now we are getting somewhere. If I start with a fresh pen, I should be able to get enough for the entire 9 day vacation. Same deal with the basal.

Considering I need one pen each for backup, that is a total of two pens each of Novolog and Levemir.

Now the tricky part! How many Frios do I take? Actually, since I have two Frio Duo pouches, it works out well. One each in the Duo pouch that I will carry with me at all times, and one each in the Duo pouch that will stay with my luggage in the hotel.

Or should I take two each for backup? That means the small Frio bag that holds up to 5 pens...but I really want to use my new green now I'm considering Frio Fashion while doing the Frio Math.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you've figured this one out! The worst part of travelling with diabetes is trying to figure out where the heck you'll put everything.

I always worry that I'll need an entire extra suitcase just for my pump supplies because I always try to have backups. Lots of them.